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Evaluating Modern vs. Traditional Database Solutions

Choosing the right database technology is critical for system performance and scalability. Traditional relational databases are proven but often struggle with modern demands such as real-time scalability and cloud integration. Newer solutions like PlanetScale and...

Ethical AI in Business

Ethical concerns are growing as AI becomes more popular in software development. Integrating AI into software development can increase productivity and innovation and raise ethical conflicts. These include problems of impartiality, accountability, transparency, and...

Rethinking Developer Roles with Shift-Left Testing

Shift-Left Testing changes the game in software development by integrating testing early and throughout the development process. This strategy extends the developer's responsibilities beyond coding, making them key players in quality assurance. Here's a closer look at...

Meet Our Developers

Review real engineer CVs of current and past Sonatafy Technology nearshore developers. We have a wide range of different positions and skills thanks to our talented engineers. Learn More.