Our requirements for Careers in Nearshore Software Development are simple, be professional, be driven to continuously improve your skills and domain knowledge, and be ready to have fun. We know work can be hard, and it is important to us that we build teams that help each other learn, grow as engineers and developers, and create the working life that makes coming to work each day worth it.
Let’sDo Great Work!
With Competitive Salaries, a 100% Payment Scheme, and Excellent Medical Insurance.
We offer 100% Remote Work, Up to 20 Days a year PTO, and Certification and Career Assistance.
We focus on building strong teams, good culture, and professional engagements with our customers.
Sonatafy works with many customers across many different verticals and we hire for all technology disciplines. Whether you are Fullstack, Frontend, DevOps, Mobile, or QA focused, we have open positions to fill. If you feel that you have what it takes, please take a look at our current openings and apply. We are excited to meet you and our Talent Acquisition team is standing by to talk with you.
Check out our SonatafyCareers Social Media profiles:
After you apply, someone from our Talent Acquisition Team will meet with you on Zoom so we can provide further details about the position and our process.
Upon a successful score on our code test and a meeting with our Engineering team, we will submit you to our customers for a further interview. Don’ worry, we will be there to coach you the whole way.
Sonatafy Technology is a team based on professionalism and accountability. We take pride in how we work with our customers and with our team members. We look at every engagement as a long-term opportunity for growth and the continuous improvement of team and team member experience and expertise.
Our values match our desire to do good work and our high-water mark and cultural DNA is gauged by whether or not a team member at Sonatafy Technology is in CTRL. This acronym details the responsibility of each developer and we work tirelessly to make sure we have the tools, experience, and communication to achieve it.
I am CLEAR at what I am doing and what I am expected to be doing
I am TRANSPARENT in how I am working and moving engagements along
I am RESPONSIBLE in that I think like an owner and the customer
I am able to LEAD myself, my team, and our customers to success
Through programs to promote continuous improvement in our technology skills, soft skills, and leadership skills, Sonatafy make sure that each member of the team is focused on being the best they can be. We communicate with each other and our customers to identify areas of improvement and opportunities and this is the cornerstone of our long standing relationships with our customers.
Do you think you have what it takes to join the team at Sonatafy Technology? If you are passionate about what you do and are professional about how you do it, we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to view our open positions and let us know how we can help you take the next step in your career.