About 5 Leadership Team

Leadership Team

Sonatafy Technology is an award-winning, reputable, and best-in-class nearshore enterprise- level cloud and mobile application software development company providing services to companies of all sizes and in various industries, including some of the world’s biggest brands. 

Meet the talented individuals that make our mission a reality.


Forbes & Entrepreneur Featured | Inc. 5000 Winner

Steve Taplin

CEO & Board of Directors

David Turner

CSO & Board Of Directors

Josh Nuzzi

VP Marketing

Mark Attinger

CFO & Board Of Directors

Diego Velazquez

VP Operations & HR

Antonio Tamayo

Lead AI Engineer

Alex Ramirez

Director Engineering

Kristen Strodtman


Isabel Reyes

HR Lead

Martin Ayala

Director of IT

Julio Lopez

Marketing & Design

Nicole Breña

Culture Ambassador

Edgar Garcia

Project Management Lead

Pamela Eleno

UI/UX Design Lead

Karla Cosgalla

Talent Acquisition Team Leader

Daniel Nieves

Talent Acquisition Team Leader

Meet Our Developers

Review real engineer CVs of current and past Sonatafy Technology nearshore developers. We have a wide range of different positions and skills thanks to our talented engineers. Learn More.