Industry Insights 5 Interview With Valiant CEO: Resilient Leadership Insights

Industry Insights


Interview With Valiant CEO: Resilient Leadership Insights

by | Aug 19, 2024 | All, Media, Press Release

About The Author Josh Nuzzi

Josh Nuzzi is the VP of Marketing at Sonatafy Technology, with over 12 years of marketing expertise in a variety of industry verticals, with focus on technology and software.

Below is the full interview from, with our CEO Steve Taplin.

The source of this interview can be found here. Thank you to Valiant CEO for conducting this interview.

Steve Taplin: CEO of Sonatafy Technology

Steve Taplin is the CEO of Sonatafy Technology, a leading nearshore software development company. With a deep passion for technology and entrepreneurship, Steve has built a career on helping businesses leverage top tech talent to drive innovation and growth. As a regular contributor to Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine, he shares insights on leadership, company culture, and the latest trends in software development. Steve is committed to helping tech executives achieve their goals by providing strategic, cost-effective solutions that deliver results.

Company: Sonatafy Technology

Introduction to ValiantCEO Magazine’s Exclusive Interview

We are thrilled to have you join us today, welcome to ValiantCEO Magazine’s exclusive interview! Let’s start off with a little introduction. Tell our readers a bit about yourself and your company.

Steve Taplin: Introduction

I’m Steve Taplin, CEO of Sonatafy Technology, where we’re dedicated to empowering businesses through top-tier nearshore software development. With a background rooted in technology and entrepreneurship, I’ve spent my career helping companies navigate the complexities of digital transformation and innovation. At Sonatafy, we specialize in connecting businesses with elite tech talent from Latin America, offering cost-effective and scalable solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Whether you’re looking to accelerate product development, enhance your team with specialized skills, or drive new initiatives in AI and software, Sonatafy Technology is here to make it happen. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, reliable, and innovative solutions that align with your business goals. My mission is to ensure that our clients not only meet their objectives but exceed them, with a partner they can trust every step of the way.

Can you share a time when your business faced a significant challenge? How did you navigate through it?

Steve Taplin: Overcoming Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic

One of the most significant challenges Sonatafy Technology faced occurred during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. As businesses worldwide rapidly shifted to remote work, there was a sudden surge in demand for remote software development teams. While this presented an incredible growth opportunity, it also came with challenges, particularly in scaling our operations quickly enough to meet the demand without compromising on quality.

We faced several hurdles:

  • Scaling Rapidly: The need to rapidly scale our operations to onboard and manage a larger pool of developers and clients was daunting. We had to ensure that we could maintain the same level of quality and reliability that our clients expected while growing our team significantly.
  • Maintaining Quality: With rapid growth, there was a risk of diluting our standards. We had to make sure that every new developer we onboarded met our stringent criteria, and that our processes for managing remote teams were robust enough to handle the increased load.
  • Client Communication: The sudden shift to remote work created communication challenges, both internally and with clients. Ensuring that all stakeholders were aligned and that projects continued to move forward without delays was crucial.
How We Navigated Through It
  • Strategic Hiring: We quickly expanded our recruitment efforts, focusing on bringing in not just more developers, but the right developers. We doubled down on our vetting process, ensuring that every new hire had the skills and experience necessary to deliver at the high standard we set.
  • Process Optimization: We invested heavily in optimizing our internal processes, from project management to client communication. Implementing more robust project management tools and communication platforms helped us manage the increased workload and keep everyone on the same page.
  • Client Engagement: We prioritized transparency and frequent communication with our clients. By keeping them informed and involved throughout the process, we built trust and ensured that they were confident in our ability to deliver despite the challenges.
  • Leveraging Technology: We embraced advanced tools and technologies that enabled us to manage remote teams more effectively. From collaboration platforms to AI-driven project management tools, we made sure our team had everything they needed to succeed in a remote environment.
The Outcome

Despite the challenges, we emerged stronger. We not only met the increased demand but also enhanced our capabilities, setting us up for continued growth. Our ability to adapt quickly and maintain our commitment to quality allowed us to turn a potential crisis into a major growth opportunity.

This experience reinforced the importance of agility, communication, and maintaining high standards, no matter the circumstances. It was a tough period, but it taught us invaluable lessons that continue to guide us today.

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How has a failure or apparent failure set you up for later success?

Steve Taplin: My Journey as a Technology Serial Entrepreneur

Over the course of my career, I’ve had the incredible opportunity—and challenge—of starting around 30 companies. While this might sound like an impressive number, the reality is that only 10 of those ventures were what I would call “successes.” But here’s the thing: those 20 “failures” were just as important, if not more so, than the wins.

The Highs and Lows of Entrepreneurship

As a serial entrepreneur, I’ve always been driven by the excitement of innovation and the thrill of building something from the ground up. Each venture I’ve started came from a place of genuine passion and the belief that we could make a real impact. But the road to success is rarely a straight line. For every company that took off, there were others that didn’t reach their potential—whether due to market misalignment, timing, execution, or simply the fact that the idea wasn’t as strong as I initially believed.

Learning from Failure

While it’s easy to celebrate the successes, it’s the failures that have taught me the most. Each misstep provided invaluable lessons:

  • Resilience: Entrepreneurship requires an unwavering commitment to keep going, even when things don’t work out as planned. The ability to bounce back and start again after a failure is what defines a true entrepreneur.
  • Adaptability: In the fast-paced world of technology, being able to pivot quickly and adapt to new information is crucial. Many of my companies failed because I was either too slow to adapt or too committed to a flawed vision. These experiences taught me the importance of flexibility.
  • Focus: Starting 30 companies taught me to focus on what truly matters. While it’s tempting to chase every new idea, true success often comes from honing in on a few key ventures and giving them the attention they deserve.
  • Humility: No matter how many wins you’ve had, there’s always more to learn. Failure has a way of keeping you grounded and reminding you that success is never guaranteed—it’s earned, one step at a time.
The Wins That Matter

The 10 successful companies I’ve built have been deeply rewarding, both personally and professionally. They’ve allowed me to create jobs, innovate in ways that I’m proud of, and make a meaningful impact in the tech industry. But those successes wouldn’t have been possible without the lessons learned from the ventures that didn’t make it.

The Takeaway

Being a technology serial entrepreneur is about more than just creating companies—it’s about resilience, learning from failure, and continuously striving for innovation. If I’ve learned anything from starting 30 companies, it’s that the journey is just as important as the destination. Each failure paved the way for the next success, and every success was built on the foundation of lessons learned from the past.

For anyone on a similar path, my advice is this: Embrace the failures, learn from them, and keep moving forward. The road to success is never easy, but it’s always worth it.

How do you build a resilient team? What qualities do you look for in your team members?

Steve Taplin: Building a Resilient Team Aligned with Sonatafy’s Core Values

At Sonatafy Technology, building a resilient team is not just a strategy—it’s a direct extension of our core values. Our commitment to Passion, Integrity, Excellence, and Empowerment is at the heart of how we cultivate a team that can adapt, thrive, and continuously deliver exceptional results, even in the face of challenges.

1. Passion Drives Resilience

Resilience begins with passion. At Sonatafy, we believe that when team members are passionate about what they do, they bring energy, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude to every project. This passion fuels their ability to push through tough times, stay motivated, and inspire others around them. We seek individuals who are not just skilled but genuinely passionate about technology and innovation, ensuring that they’ll go the extra mile when it matters most.

2. Integrity Builds Trust and Stability

Integrity is the foundation of trust, both within our team and with our clients. A resilient team is one where members can rely on each other to be honest, transparent, and accountable. By hiring individuals who embody integrity, we ensure that our team remains strong and cohesive, even when facing difficult decisions or challenges. Integrity allows us to confront problems head-on, with a commitment to doing what’s right, which in turn strengthens our resilience as a company.

3. Excellence Through Continuous Improvement

At Sonatafy, we strive for excellence in everything we do. Resilience is about continuously improving and never settling for mediocrity. We encourage our team members to embrace a growth mindset, where they see challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. This pursuit of excellence ensures that our team is always evolving, adapting to new technologies, and finding better ways to solve problems. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we build a team that not only withstands challenges but excels in overcoming them.

4. Empowerment Leads to Innovation and Adaptability

Empowerment is key to building a resilient team. We believe that when team members are empowered to take ownership of their work and make decisions, they become more adaptable and innovative. At Sonatafy, we empower our team by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed. This empowerment allows them to navigate uncertainty with confidence and creativity, driving the entire team forward when facing obstacles.


Building a resilient team at Sonatafy Technology is deeply tied to our core values of Passion, Integrity, Excellence, and Empowerment. These values guide us in selecting and nurturing team members who are not only capable but also aligned with the mission and culture of our company. By living these values every day, our team becomes more than just a group of individuals—we become a united, resilient force capable of achieving greatness, no matter what challenges come our way.

How do you maintain your personal resilience during tough times?

Steve Taplin: Maintaining Personal Resilience

Maintaining personal resilience during tough times is crucial, especially as a leader responsible for guiding a team through challenges. Over the years, I’ve developed a few strategies that help me stay resilient, focused, and positive, even when things get tough:

1. Stay Grounded in Purpose

Understanding why I do what I do keeps me grounded. Whether it’s the passion for innovation, the desire to help businesses grow, or the commitment to my team, staying connected to my purpose helps me push through difficult moments. It’s easier to endure challenges when you remember the bigger picture and the impact your work has on others.

2. Embrace a Growth Mindset

I view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Instead of seeing obstacles as setbacks, I try to see them as lessons that can make me stronger and more capable. This mindset shift has been crucial in maintaining resilience. It allows me to approach problems with curiosity rather than fear, turning adversity into a catalyst for personal and professional development.

3. Lean on a Support System

No one can do it alone, and I’m fortunate to have a strong support system. Whether it’s family, close friends, or trusted colleagues, having people I can turn to for advice, encouragement, or just a listening ear makes a huge difference. They help me maintain perspective, offer valuable insights, and remind me that I’m not alone in facing challenges.

4. Prioritize Health and Well-being

Resilience is closely tied to physical and mental well-being. I make it a priority to maintain a healthy lifestyle, even when work gets demanding. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and enough sleep are non-negotiables for me. Additionally, I practice mindfulness and stress management techniques, like meditation and deep breathing, to stay calm and centered. Taking care of my body and mind ensures that I have the energy and clarity needed to navigate tough times.

5. Set Clear Boundaries

Maintaining resilience also means knowing when to step back. I’ve learned the importance of setting boundaries to prevent burnout. This might mean delegating tasks, saying no to non-essential commitments, or simply taking time off to recharge. By protecting my time and energy, I ensure that I can give my best when it’s truly needed.

6. Focus on What You Can Control

In tough times, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by factors beyond your control. I focus on what I can influence and take actionable steps towards improving the situation. This approach not only makes challenges feel more manageable but also helps me stay proactive and solution-oriented.

7. Celebrate Small Wins

Finally, I make it a point to celebrate small victories, even during challenging periods. Acknowledging progress, no matter how minor, boosts morale and reinforces a positive mindset. It’s a reminder that even in tough times, there are always moments of success and growth worth celebrating.


Personal resilience is like a muscle—you build it over time through consistent effort and the right practices. By staying grounded in purpose, embracing a growth mindset, leaning on my support system, prioritizing health, setting boundaries, focusing on controllables, and celebrating wins, I maintain the resilience needed to lead effectively through any challenge.

What strategies do you use to manage stress and maintain focus during a crisis?

Steve Taplin: Managing Stress and Staying Focused During a Crisis

In a crisis, staying calm and focused is key. Here’s how I do it:

  • Prioritize: Focus on the most critical tasks first, cutting through the noise to what truly matters.
  • Stay Organized: Create a clear action plan and stick to it, keeping everything structured and manageable.
  • Delegate: Trust your team with responsibilities. Empowering them frees up your focus for strategic decisions.
  • Communicate: Keep communication open and transparent with your team and stakeholders. Clear updates prevent misunderstandings and keep everyone aligned.
  • Be Flexible: Adapt quickly as new information arises. Staying agile helps navigate unexpected challenges.
  • Self-Care: Exercise, spending time with family, and doing things I love, like hiking or walking my dogs, are non-negotiables. They recharge my energy and keep my stress in check.
  • Keep Perspective: Remember, crises are temporary. Stay focused on the long-term vision and look for opportunities within the challenges.

This blend of strategic focus and personal balance helps me manage stress and lead effectively through any crisis.

How do you communicate with your team during a crisis?

Steve Taplin: Crisis Communication with My Team
  • Be Transparent: I’m upfront about the situation—no sugarcoating. Transparency builds trust.
  • Stay Calm: My composure sets the tone. Staying focused keeps the team grounded.
  • Frequent Updates: Regular check-ins ensure everyone’s informed and aligned.
  • Encourage Feedback: I foster open dialogue. Two-way communication is key.
  • Be Clear: Clear, concise messaging prevents confusion and drives action.
  • Reassure and Focus on Solutions: I balance realism with optimism, steering the team towards solutions.

In a crisis, effective communication keeps the team united, motivated, and ready to act.

What advice would you give to other CEOs on building resilience in their organizations?

Steve Taplin: Resilience-Building Tips for CEOs
  • Build a Strong Culture: Unite your team with shared values and a culture of adaptability.
  • Empower Your People: Give your team the autonomy to solve problems and make decisions.
  • Stay Flexible: Foster agility in your strategy and operations to pivot quickly when needed.
  • Invest in Learning: Continuous learning keeps your team ahead of industry changes.
  • Communicate Clearly: Keep communication open and consistent, especially in tough times.
  • Plan for the Unexpected: Develop contingency plans and assess risks regularly.
  • Lead by Example: Stay calm and focused—your team will follow your lead.

Focus on these essentials to create a resilient organization that thrives, no matter the challenge.

How do you prepare your business for potential future crises?

Steve Taplin: Preparing Your Business for Future Crises
  • Build a Strong Culture: Foster adaptability and resilience within your team.
  • Create Contingency Plans: Have clear plans for various crisis scenarios.
  • Diversify Revenue: Spread your risk across multiple revenue streams.
  • Strengthen Reserves: Keep a solid cash reserve for financial stability.
  • Leverage Technology: Use tech to enhance flexibility and efficiency.
  • Promote Agility: Encourage quick pivots and innovation in your team.
  • Train and Communicate: Ensure your team is ready and informed.
  • Monitor and Adapt: Stay ahead of industry changes and risks.

These strategies will help your business stay strong and agile, ready to face any crisis.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about leadership in times of crisis?

Steve Taplin: The Most Important Lesson in Leadership During a Crisis

Stay Calm and Lead with Clarity.

In times of crisis, the most critical lesson I’ve learned is the importance of staying calm and providing clear, decisive leadership. When everything around you feels uncertain, your team looks to you for stability and direction. By maintaining composure, you set the tone for the entire organization, helping others stay focused and productive.

Clear communication is equally vital. During a crisis, ambiguity breeds anxiety. Providing transparent, straightforward guidance helps your team understand the situation, aligns everyone toward common goals, and empowers them to act with confidence.

In short, calmness and clarity are your best tools for guiding your team through any storm.


The source of this interview can be found here. Thank you to Valiant CEO for conducting this interview.