Python vs Java: Comparing Top Languages (2023)

python vs java

Everything You Wanted to Know About Python vs Java

Java and Python- are both high-level, general-purpose programming languages. This means they’re designed to make software development more accessible by providing a language with syntax closer to natural language (English) than code written in machine language (1s and 0s).

It also offers full-stack developers (click to learn more) brevity since it’s possible to write much more concise code with higher-level languages than low-level ones.

This guide will dive deep into the differences between Java and Python, some advantages and disadvantages, and when it may be best for you to use one versus the other.

.Net Developers Frequently Asked Questions About Python vs Java

What is Java?

What is Java? Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991. Java is used to build desktop, web, and mobile applications. According to IBM (1):

“The Java language forms the heart of the Android operating system, which powers by far the largest share of the world’s smartphones. Java is also among the most popular languages for machine learning and data science applications. “


Java is a statically typed and compiled language that is more efficient and faster than Python. Code written in Java can be executed much more quickly after compilation (converting source code into bytecode).

It’s also a cross-platform language, so programs written in Java can run on any operating system equipped with the required JVM. Additionally, Java includes powerful memory management capabilities and libraries with numerous reusable functions allowing developers to create large-scale projects easily.

What is Python? answers the question, “what is Python? (2):

“Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development…”

– Python

Python is often referred to as a ‘glue language’ because it can be used to merge different components. It’s also known for its simple syntax and uncluttered visual layout, which makes the code easy to read and maintain.

Python is an object-oriented language allowing developers to create objects within the program that can be reused in other parts of the program.

It also offers rapid deployment and dynamic typing due to its interpreted nature; code written in Python can run almost immediately after being written compared to compiled languages like Java which need longer compilation times before they’re able to run.

Additionally, Python requires fewer lines of code when compared to Java, which makes it an excellent choice for beginners as well.

Java: The Faster Path

Java is the faster path when it comes to development. Big data companies use it, making it a popular computer and web development programming language (3).

“Java’s popularity is for good reason; this language is relatively easy to learn and use, boasts incredible security and can handle massive amounts of data. These features make Java an ideal language for the online finance sector, and it is often applied in industries such as banking, billing and the stock market. “

– Berkeley

Unlike Python, Java requires compilation from source code into bytecode before it can be executed. This means that programs written in Java tend to run faster than those written in Python – though the difference is only sometimes significant, depending on the program.

Additionally, Java has better memory management capabilities than Python, meaning developers have greater control over how their programs use system resources.

“If you need something to be operating fast, Java is the language of choice. With its strong memory management capabilities and rich libraries, developers can create large-scale programs with ease,” said Bryan O’Sullivan, senior software engineer at Facebook

Because of its speed and efficiency, many businesses favor Java for large-scale projects instead of Python – particularly if they need to process large amounts of data or are involved with real-time applications.

It’s also a popular language for Android app development, meaning that becoming certified as an Android developer requires proficiency in Java programming.

Features of Java

As an object-oriented language, Java features support the creation of objects within the program and offers powerful memory management capabilities. It also includes an extensive library containing numerous reusable functions, making it ideal for large-scale projects’ rapid development.

Additionally, Java is a statically typed language meaning that code written in Java can be more efficient and compact than code written in dynamically typed languages like Python (4).

“Ease of reading and writing makes any language simple. This holds true for Java as it has a less ambiguous syntax terminology. Anyone can start right off with Java with an understanding of the basic underlying principles of programming.”

– Hackr

Java also has better support for multithreading – a programming technique that allows multiple tasks to run simultaneously within a single process – allowing for faster programs with fewer resources needed to run them.

Finally, as mentioned before, Java is a cross-platform language meaning that programs written in Java can run on any operating system equipped with the required JVM.

Advantages of Java

Java is a popular programming language for computer programming and web development. It offers:

  • Powerful memory management capabilities
  • An extensive library of reusable functions
  • Static typing for more efficient code
  • Better support for multithreading

Additionally, because Java is a cross-platform language, programs written in Java can run on any operating system with the required JVM. This makes it an excellent choice for data science degrees and big data companies that need to process large amounts of data or are involved with real-time applications.

Disadvantages of Java

While Java has many advantages, there are some disadvantages to using it. First, while Java is a popular programming language for computer programming and web development, its syntax can be more complex than Python’s – making it harder to learn for beginners.

Additionally, since Java is not an open-source language like Python, the community surrounding it is smaller. It has less support for end users trying to learn or solve problems.

Finally, because of its compiled nature, developers must compile their code into bytecode before they can execute it, which increases the file size of the program and requires longer compilation times compared to other languages, such as Python.

Python: The simple path

Python is one of the most popular programming languages for “Python web stack” development and computer programming. It’s a full-stack language that can accomplish many different tasks, from small-scale projects to complex ones such as big data and data science (5).

“It can be used in a variety of applications such as business, web, scientific, machine learning and data analytics,”

– Devry

Python has a much simpler syntax than Java, making it easier for beginners to learn and ideal for anyone looking to get into coding without getting overwhelmed by all the technical jargon. Additionally, since Python is open-source, its community is large and offers full support for end users, which helps the learning process.

Unlike Java, Python does not need to be compiled before executing – instead of being converted into bytecode like in Java, python programs are interpreted directly by the operating system. This means that Python programs are usually more compact than Java programs and require less time to compile.

Features of Python

Python is a full-stack language capable of accomplishing many different tasks. It offers several features which make it an attractive option for web development and computer programming. These include:

  • The simple syntax makes it easier to learn for beginners
  • Open source with a large community providing plenty of support
  • No need to compile before executing, resulting in smaller file size and faster compilation times
  • Open-source community with plenty of support
  • Dynamic typing means less code is needed to do the same task as in Java

These features make Python ideal for anyone looking to get into coding without feeling overwhelmed by the technical jargon.

Advantages of Python

Python is an open-source language with a large community offering lots of support to users, making it easier for beginners to learn. Additionally, Python is dynamically typed, meaning less code is needed to accomplish the same tasks as in Java. This makes programs written in Python more compact and efficient than those written in Java.

Furthermore, since Python does not need to be compiled before executing, it requires less time for compilation and has smaller file sizes than Java programs. Finally, Python can simultaneously perform multiple processes – allowing for a faster program with fewer resources needed to run them.

Disadvantages of Python

While Python has many advantages, some disadvantages are also associated with it. First, while its syntax is simple, which is excellent for those just starting, it can be slower to execute than Java because of its interpreted nature. Additionally, Python is less widely used than Java, meaning fewer libraries and frameworks might be available for specific tasks.

Python vs JavaScript: Key differences

Python and JavaScript are full-stack languages used for web development and computer programming, but there are some critical differences between the two.

  • Performance: Python is an interpreted language that can take longer to execute than Java, while JavaScript is a compiled language that runs faster.
  • Syntax: Python has a simpler syntax, making it easier to learn and understand than JavaScript.
  • Community Support: The Python community is more prominent and offers more support for end users than the JavaScript community.
  • Stability: JavaScript is known for being more stable than Python since it does not need to be compiled before executing.
  • Portability: Python is more portable than JavaScript since it can be used on both server-side and client-side applications.
  • Security: Both languages are secure, but JavaScript offers better protection due to its compiled nature.

As such, both Python and JavaScript have their advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the task, one language may be better suited.

Python vs Java: Which One Is More Popular?

When it comes to comparing Java and Python, both of these full-stack languages are popular for web development and computer programming. Java is generally faster and more efficient than Python as it is a compiled and statically typed language.

This means that the code needs to be compiled before executing, resulting in better performance with fewer resources required for execution. Java is also an object-oriented language that allows users to create reusable blocks of code that can be reused multiple times, saving time and resources.

On the other hand, Python is an interpreted language that executes slower than Java but requires less line number of code to accomplish tasks.

Additionally, Python offers rapid deployment due to its dynamic typing making programs written in this language more scalable. Python programs are also cross-platform, meaning they can be used on multiple platforms, making them an excellent choice for those working on different operating systems.

When deciding between Java and Python, one should consider the task. Java is the best choice for tasks requiring better performance and speed, as it has been known to perform better than Python.

However, if you are looking for something more dynamic and versatile, Python might be the best option due to its rapid deployment and ease of use. Ultimately, both languages offer benefits depending on the task, so weighing their advantages before deciding is essential.

“Python and Java are powerful languages, but which you should learn first depends on the type of project you plan to work on. If you’re looking for something more stable, Java would be the way to go, as it does not need to be compiled before executing. At the same time, Python is better suited for smaller tasks requiring faster execution times.” – Federico Cargnelutti, Senior Programmer at BBC.

Java vs. Python Code Examples

Let’s take a look at some code examples for each language. For Java, we can write a program that prints out the numbers from 0 to 10:



public class HelloWorld


public static void main(String[] args)


System.out.println(“Hello, World!”);






print (“Hello, World!”) “`

As the code examples above show, Java requires more lines of code to produce the same output as Python. This is because its syntax is more verbose and requires more punctuation than Python’s simpler syntax, which simplifies coding for those with less experience.

Which Pays More, Java or Python?

So, Which pays more, Java or Python? Generally speaking, Java developers are paid more than Python developers ( This is because Java is a more established language and has been around for extended periods. It also requires more skill and experience to develop applications compared to Python.

However, this does not mean that Python is not worth learning, as it can be used in many different fields and pay well, depending on the job. Ultimately, both languages are popular and have advantages depending on the task (6).

“If this would be your first programming language, then you should pick Python. It’s much easier to learn, and the job opportunities and salary figures are comparable.”

– Hackr

When deciding between Java and Python, you must consider the tasks you need to perform and weigh each language’s advantages before deciding. Both languages offer excellent web development and computer programming opportunities, but one may suit your needs better than the other.

Java vs Python Which Is Better for the Future?

Java vs. Python, which is better for the future? While both languages have their advantages, Java is still the most popular language in the world. It is also used for Android development, so it has more potential for future growth.

On the other hand, Python offers some great features and can be used to create powerful applications, but its niche market means its popularity may remain lower in years to come.

Both languages offer something unique and different depending on your desire. If you are looking for something with much potential, Java might be your best bet due to its established reputation.

However, Python could be a great choice if you want something more versatile and dynamic. Ultimately, choosing between these two depends on your specific needs, so weighing up the pros and cons of each language before making your decision is crucial.

The choice between Java and Python ultimately comes down to what tasks you are trying to accomplish. Both languages offer excellent web development and computer programming opportunities, but one may suit your needs better than the other.

So, Which Language Is Your Best Choice to Study

So, which language is your best choice to study? To answer this question, you must consider your goals and which language best suits your needs.

If you are looking for a more established language with more significant potential for growth, then Java could be the right choice. Java is widely used in many fields and offers excellent opportunities for job prospects.

On the other hand, Python provides excellent features such as rapid deployment, ease of use, and simple syntax, making coding much more effortless. Python might be the way to go if you’re looking for something more versatile and dynamic.

Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference, so weighing each language’s advantages before deciding is crucial. Both languages offer great opportunities, but one may suit your needs better than the other. With this in mind, taking your time and making an informed decision before committing to learning either language is essential.

How to Start Learning Java or Python

Now that you have decided which language is best for your needs, it’s time to start learning. There are multiple ways to go about creating your journey with either language. These include:

Coding Bootcamps

Bootcamps are a great way to get started with programming and learn how to become a full-stack developer. They offer a structured learning environment and personalized guidance from experienced instructors (7).

“Bootcamps vary in length, but many require around three months to complete. Coding schools offer bootcamp programs for learners at all levels, from beginners to experienced coders looking to gain a new credential or change fields.”

– Computer Science

Online Courses

Online courses can also be a great option as they provide clear explanations and hands-on practice, which is essential for mastering any coding language.

Certificate Programs

These programs are a great way to gain professional credentials in either language, which can help you stand out from the crowd.


Books are another excellent resource for learning coding languages as they provide detailed explanations and a foundation for building knowledge.

Watching Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are also a great way to learn, as they provide easy-to-follow instructions and allow you to see the code in action.

Getting Involved in Coding Forums and Communities

Coding forums and communities are a great way to learn as they provide an opportunity to get feedback from experienced coders and ask questions.

Attending Workshops, Hackathons, and Meetups

Another great way to learn coding languages is to attend workshops, hackathons, and meetups.

Getting Involved in Coding Forums and Communities

Coding forums and communities are a great way to learn as they provide an opportunity to get feedback from experienced coders and ask questions.

Attending Workshops, Hackathons, and Meetups

Lastly, attending workshops, hackathons, and meetups can provide a fabulous opportunity for networking with experienced coders and getting an insight into the industry.

With so many options available, there are plenty of ways to get started with either Java or Python. Whichever route you choose, it’s essential to remain consistent with your learning and practice regularly to maximize your understanding of the languages. With patience and dedication, you can become an expert in either Java or Python in no time.

Once you’ve mastered either language, the possibilities for a career in programming are endless. Many organizations and companies require skilled coders who know Java or Python, making it an ideal time to specialize in one of these languages.

With websites and applications becoming increasingly complex, there is a great demand for developers who can use either language to solve real-world problems. This can range from developing games, creating web and mobile applications, automated testing, or even building artificial intelligence systems.

“Learning either Java or Python is an essential skill for any programmer.” -Mike Hay, Software Engineer at Ticketmaster Mobile Studio.

No matter which language you choose to learn, mastering either Java or Python will provide you with the necessary skills required to become a successful programmer. With the right resources and guidance, you can be well on your way to becoming an

If you have the skills to work with Java or Python, you will have plenty of job opportunities. With the right experience and qualifications, you could work at some of the biggest tech companies in the world.

Final thoughts on Java vs. Python

The battle of Java vs. Python has been going on for quite some time, and there’s yet to be a clear winner regarding which language is best. Ultimately, the choice concerns your goals and which language best suits your needs.

Demand for both languages is high, and there are plenty of opportunities. So, whether you learn Java or Python, the best way to get started is by finding a method that works for you and committing to it. With patience, dedication, and practice, you can become an expert in either language in no time.

Make The Move Today: Start learning Java or Python

Now that you know the basics of each language and know which one best suits your needs, it’s time to make a move and start learning. With so many resources available for both languages, there are plenty of ways to get started.

A career in coding can be exciting and rewarding, so why not start today? With patience and dedication, you can become an expert in either Java or Python in no time.

We hope this guide has helped you decide whether Java or Python suits your needs. Remember, whichever language you choose, remain consistent with your learning, and practice regularly to maximize your understanding of the language.


  1. The Java language forms the heart of the Android operating system, which powers by far the largest share of the world’s smartphones. Java is also among the most popular languages for machine learning and data science applications. – IBM Quote
  2. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development…. – Python Quote
  3. Java’s popularity is for good reason; this language is relatively easy to learn and use, boasts incredible security and can handle massive amounts of data. These features make Java an ideal language for the online finance sector, and it is often applied in industries such as banking, billing and the stock market. – Berkeley Quote
  4. Ease of reading and writing makes any language simple. This holds true for Java as it has a less ambiguous syntax terminology. Anyone can start right off with Java with an understanding of the basic underlying principles of programming. – Hackr Quote
  5. It can be used in a variety of applications such as business, web, scientific, machine learning and data analytics – Devry Quote
  6. If this would be your first programming language, then you should pick Python. It’s much easier to learn, and the job opportunities and salary figures are comparable. –Hackr Quote
  7. Bootcamps vary in length, but many require around three months to complete. Coding schools offer bootcamp programs for learners at all levels, from beginners to experienced coders looking to gain a new credential or change fields. – Computer Science Quote