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Web services vs web application or web app

web services vs web application

Everything You Wanted to Know About Web Services vs Web Application: Comparing the Differences

Web services and web applications are a part of the World Wide Web. They provide some way to store data or send information over the web or Internet. However, they differ in their implementation, how they work, and how they’re used and accessed. Learn the main points that separate these two types of software or web services.

What Are Web Service or web app?

A web service or web services is a software web application designed for use over the Internet. It can be written in any web programming language, and it generally requires that the web services host server have an interpreter for that language. Web services allow users to interact with websites through remote method calls.

What Is a Web Application?

A web application is a program that resides on the web and can be accessed by any device connected to the Internet. The most common way people interact with web apps is through their web browser, which allows them to fill out forms, check email or access social media. It’s also possible for people to download applications on their computers, so they can keep using them even when they’re not online. To build these online system, companies will look for web application development services from firms like Sonatafy. 

What Are the Types of Web Applications or services web?

Web applications come in many types. Various kinds of web apps can serve very different purposes, including:

  • Intranet. Web applications installed on a local network for internal use to share information within an organization and/or to manage resources.
  • Enterprise. Web applications are installed on a local network to provide a service to the public and employees of an organization.
  • Web app. Web applications built with technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 and delivered via websites instead of stand-alone software programs.

What Are the Types of Web Services?

From a business standpoint, web services are part of the broader category of software as a service (SaaS), provided to customers via a web browser. This can be an on-demand service or one hosted on the provider’s servers. Here are some examples of the most common types of web services:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS). A cloud-based solution that allows users to access applications and data from any computer with internet access.
  • Web hosting. Web hosting refers to sharing computer resources over a network, such as processing power, memory, data storage, and bandwidth.
  • Webcasting. This refers to the process of streaming live audio/video over the Internet for free or for a fee.
  • Web conferencing. This refers to online meetings between large groups of people who need to be in different locations to communicate with each other in real time.
  • Web messaging. Email and text messaging have become so familiar and essential in everyday life.

What Are the Main Differences Between Web Services vs Web Applications

Web services and web applications are created to power dynamic content on the web. However, they differ in their capabilities. Here are their main differences:

difference between Web Applications

A web application is a program that runs on a server that users can access from their browser. The most well-known example of a web application is social media platforms. A user would open a web browser, go to the social media website and log in through the site. Once logged in, they can see their news feed, update their status, upload photos, etc. Web applications do not require any software installation onto your computer

difference between Web Services

Is an API a web service? (https://sonatafy.com/api-vs-web-service-is-api-a-web-service/) Well, not exactly. A web service is an application that runs on a server that users can access using an API (Application Programming Interface). An API makes it easy for developers to use the functions of another website without using things like security or user authentication. There are APIs for different websites. If you work with HTML and JavaScript, you could use them for just about anything.

When Should You Use a Web Application Instead of a Web Service?

The decision between using a web application or a web service will depend entirely on what you’re trying to accomplish and the complexity of your needs. With regards to complexity, Guru99 mentions (1):

“Web application functions are quite higher and complex compared to a website. The website displays the collected data and information on a specific page.”

– Guru99

If you need flexibility in storing your data or want to customize how things look, then using an application is what you want. If you need to make an API call to get some information or integrate with another system, then a simple web service is what you want.

What are the best outsourcing countries in the world Frequently Asked Questions About Web Services vs Web Application: Comparing the Differences

How do web applications work ?

Web applications are written in a programming language such as HTML or JavaScript. The code is uploaded to a server that hosts the application. The user’s browser sends data to the server, which the code interprets when a user accesses the application’s URL. Techtarget defines web application as (2):

“A web application (web app) is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the internet through a browser interface.”

– Tech Target

What is API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules or standards that allows one piece of software to communicate with another. For example, your web browser uses an API to display content from a website.

What are examples of web services testing?

The most common example of web service is the e-Commerce site. E-Commerce sites provide different Web services to make their websites interactive, such as customer login, shopping cart, product listing, search, etc.


If you’re building something for your business, you should probably create a web application instead of a web service. If you’re building something to access from your phone and desktop computers, then either will work for you.


  1. Web application functions are quite higher and complex compared to a website. The website displays the collected data and information on a specific page – Guru99 Quote
  2. A web application (web app) is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the internet through a browser interface. – Tech Target Quote