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What are the steps and Process of Staffing?

process of staffing

Everything You Wanted to Know What are the steps and Process of Staffing?

Running a company or organization effectively requires careful attention to staffing. The process of finding and recruiting labor to meet diverse company needs is referred to as it. While they’re different staffing models, today’s approach will focus on the process. It is believed that hiring employees is a crucial managerial task. With the assistance of human resources, an organization can manage its activities. As a result, human resources are essential to an organization’s operation.

Staffing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Manpower Planning
  2. Recruitment
  3. Selection
  4. Placement
  5. Training
  6. Development
  7. Promotion
  8. Transfer
  9. Appraisal
  10. Determination of Remuneration

It is undeniable that human resources are among the most important for any firm, as they enable the effective and efficient use of all other resources, including cash, materials, machinery, etc. As a result, each employee must be placed in the ideal position within the company that is in line with their skills, aptitudes, and areas of specialization. This will enable the company to use its human resources to reach its objectives effectively.

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Manpower Planning

Quantitatively and qualitatively, the measurement of the necessary labor force for an enterprise is known as workforce planning. Therefore, in a broad sense, the planning process incorporates a synergy in developing the required talents among the personnel chosen for promotion development and in building and analyzing the staffing inventory (1).

“Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization.”

– Management Study Guide

Manpower Planning Process

Analyzing the current staffing inventory is necessary before a manager can anticipate the future needs for staffing. For this, the following must be taken into consideration:

  • Organization type
  • Several departments
  • Quantity and size of such departments
  • Those working in these work units

Forecasting future workforce needs: Once the variables influencing future workforce projections are understood, planning for the future workforce requirements in various work units is possible.

The following are the workforce forecasting methods that organizations frequently use:

  • Expert Predictions: This includes unofficial judgments, official expert surveys, and the Delphi method
  • Trend Analysis: Extrapolation (projecting historical trends), indexation (using base years as a basis), and statistical analysis can all be used to project workforce needs (central tendency measure)
  • Workload analysis: It depends on the type of work that is being done in a department, branch, or division
  • Workforce analysis: When analyzing production and time, proper adjustments must be made to determine the necessary net workforce

Creating employment programs: After comparing the existing inventory to future projections, employment programs that comprise hiring, selecting candidates, and placing them can be designed and developed.

Create training programs: These will depend on the degree of diversification, future goals for growth, development initiatives, etc. Training programs rely on the level of technological innovation and improvement. Additionally, it enhances the workers’ abilities, knowledge, and skills.

Need for Manpower Planning in the staffing process

To create employment programs, staffing planning must first analyze the current human resources and anticipate future human resource needs. For example, based on the needs of the business you may come up with a strategic outsourcing plan (https://sonatafy.com/strategic-outsourcing-building-a-smarter-business/) to find the manpower needed to finish a task or project. The following are some ways that staffing planning is helpful to a firm:

  • Identification of shortages and surpluses enables prompt response when necessary
  • Manpower planning is the foundation of every program for recruiting and selection
  • As overstaffing may be avoided by identifying extra staff, it also helps to lower labor costs
  • It also helps to identify the abilities that are already present in a company so that training programs may be developed to enhance such skills
  • It promotes corporate expansion and diversity. Planning for the use of human resources can make them easily accessible

The importance of human resources planning in the staffing process

Essential managerial duties: Manpower is the foundation for the four organizational tasks of planning, organizing, directing, and regulating. All of these administrative staffing operations are implemented with the aid of human resources. As a result, HR staffing becomes important to all managerial tasks.

Efficient utilization: In today’s society, adequate staffing and human resource management has become crucial. Setting up large businesses requires managing enormous workforces. The staffing function can be used to accomplish it effectively.

Motivation: In addition to matching the right staffing resources with the most suitable jobs, the staffing function also includes incentive strategies to be developed for increased employee engagement and employment in a company. Consequently, all forms of incentive strategies become a necessary component of staffing.

Improved human relationships: If interpersonal relationships grow between colleagues and are solid, a HR related issue can often stabilize itself. Human interactions can be strengthened through more efficient management, transparent communication, monitoring, and effective leadership in a concern. The staffing role also oversees employee training and development, promoting cooperation and stronger interpersonal relationships.

Increased productivity: The level of productivity rises when resources are used as efficiently as feasible. Minimum time, money, effort, and energy loss lead to higher output.

Obstacles faced in Manpower Planning in the staffing process

Under Utilization of Manpower: The main barrier to workforce planning is that industries generally do not utilize their workforce to its full potential. Once human resources planning gets underway, it faces significant challenges in increasing utilization.

Absenteeism level: It is high and has been rising over the past three years.

Lack of Education and Skilled Labor: Low employee productivity can be attributed to the prevalence of illiteracy and the slow rate of development of the skilled categories. Below average productivity has an impact on how you plan your workforce.


Finding potential employees for a company and persuading them to submit applications for open positions is the recruitment process. Scientific recruitment practices will lead to better salaries, good employee morale, and increased productivity in the workforce.

Types of Recruitment

Internal recruitment: This refers to hiring that occurs within the company or organization. An organization has easy access to internal sources of hiring. Three internal sources dominate transfers, promotions, and rehiring of former employees. Employee productivity may rise due to internal recruiting as their motivation level increases. Time, money, and effort are also saved. Internal hiring does have the disadvantage of keeping the business from bringing in fresh talent. Additionally, not all of the staffing needs can be filled internally. There must be outside hiring.

External Recruiting: Candidates must be sought out from outside the organization through external recruitment sources. A concern is external to external sources. However, it takes a lot of time and money. Types of external recruitment include:

  • Factory Level Employment: Applications for open positions are posted on notice boards outside the Factory or at the Gate in this method of external hiring. This type of hiring is typically used when factory workers need to be hired. There are sure folks who are constantly looking for work
  • Advertisement: It is an outside source that plays a significant role in the hiring process. The main benefit of advertisements is that they reach a large market and provide information to dispersed applicants
  • Workplace exchanges: Certain job exchanges are governed by the government. Most government projects and organizations hire employees through these kinds of interactions. These days, hiring in government entities is required through employment exchange
  • Job placement services: Some professional organizations focus on hiring and providing jobs for people; these privately managed agencies that private individuals provide the necessary workforce to needy businesses. This practice is refered to by many names, staff augmentation being one of them.
  • Educational establishments: Some professional institutions act as an outside source for hiring recent graduates from these institutions. Campus recruiting is the term used to describe the hiring carried out through such educational institutions. They have specialized recruitment cells that aid in placing new individuals in jobs
  • Recommendations: Certain persons have expertise in a specific field. They are popular and have a position in the organization. Certain positions are filled based on recommendations from these people. This source’s major flaw is that the business must rely solely on such people
  • Contractors for labor: These experts provide labor to the factories and manufacturing facilities. Through these contractors, employees are hired on a contract basis or for a specific time. When these contractors leave the company, those nominated to fill their positions must likewise do so.


Eliminating individuals who don’t seem promising is the Process of selection. This selection method assesses whether an applicant is qualified for employment with the company. Therefore, choosing the best applicants to fill various roles inside the firm is the primary goal of the selection process. The key to a successful selecting process is careful planning.

The steps in the employee selection process are as follows:

Preliminary interviews: These are intended to weed out applicants who don’t match the organization’s basic eligibility requirements. The candidate’s abilities, educational history, family background, competencies, and hobbies are assessed during the initial interview. The final interviews are more structured and formalized than the preliminary interviews. The company and the job description are briefly explained to the candidates, and their familiarity with the organization is assessed. Screening interviews are another name for preliminary interviews.

Candidates who make it through the preliminary interview must fill out application forms.

Employment Interviews for jobs involve a one-on-one conversation between the interviewer and the prospective employee. It is used to determine whether or not the candidate is the most suitable for the position.

Medical examination: Medical exams are performed to determine whether the potential employee is physically fit. The likelihood of employee absence will decline.

Letter of Appointment: After a reference check on the chosen applicant, he is officially appointed through a letter of appointment.

Placement before selection process

Your new hire must first be assigned to the role you choose based on their qualifications. After that, they must be made aware of the various aspects of the job and the business, including:

  • Work they’ll be doing
  • The tasks that those around them will be performing
  • The type of goods that are being produced
  • Rules and regulations


The Process of giving newly hired employees information about the kind of job they will do and how to do it is known as training. The department of training is responsible for this. Training is a crucial component of recruiting since it keeps workers informed about how things are done in an organization. Newer technologies will also evolve as a result of technological advancements, necessitating that staff stays informed on recent developments.

Methods of Training

On-the-job training

The methods used for on-the-job training are taught to staff members while they are engaged in regular business operations. It is an easy and affordable training technique. By utilizing such a training strategy, both incompetent and semi-competent individuals can receive quality training. The training takes place in a working environment.

Off-the-job training

Methods of training that take place away from the natural working environment are referred to as off-the-job training. It is typically applied to new hires. Workshops, seminars, conferences, and other off-the-job training are examples. Such an approach is expensive and only works when many people need to be trained quickly.

The advantages of training are summarized as follows:

  • Employee morale is raised: Training contributes to a worker’s job satisfaction and security. Employee satisfaction and morale both affect how much an employee contributes to the success of the firm and how much absence and turnover there is
  • Less monitoring is required: An employee who has received proper training will be familiar with their duties and require less supervision. Less time and effort will be wasted as a result
  • Fewer accidents: Employees who lack the knowledge and abilities to perform a given task are more likely to make mistakes. An employee’s odds of having an accident at work decrease with further training, and they also become more skilled
  • Promotional chances: During training, employees pick up skills and efficiency. Their chances of getting promoted increase. They start to benefit the company
  • Productivity gains: Employees that receive training are more efficient and productive. Employees with good training perform both in terms of quantity and quality. When personnel are effectively trained, less time, money, and resources are wasted


Every organization should implement a system of planned promotion as part of a firm staffing policy. Employees become disgruntled and perform better at work if given adequate opportunities for growth and advancement (2).

“Development refers to the opportunity of growth of the employees in the organization. The organization must provide ample opportunities for the development of the employees, without which the employees may become frustrated.”

– Byju’s


An employee is upgraded to a higher position through the promotion process, which entails a rise in status, prestige, and responsibility. Although it is typical for promotions to be connected to increases in pay and benefits, they are not required to always pertain to that area of a company.


Transfer refers to moving an individual from one job within an organization to another without compensation or having their duties increased. Periodically, this function has to be evaluated.


It displays how effectively a subordinate is carrying out his duties and his ability and other traits required for the task. The major goal of this performance evaluation is to increase a company’s efficiency by enlisting the best efforts of those who work there (3).

“Appraisal of employees as to how efficiently the subordinate is performing a job and also to know his aptitudes and other qualities necessary for performing the job assigned to him.”


Determination of Remuneration

This is the final and most crucial step since it entails calculating compensation. It is one of the personnel department’s most challenging tasks because there is no set or precise way to calculate the correct salaries.

Techniques for Remuneration

Time Rate Approach: Under the time rate system, an employee’s compensation is directly related to the amount of time they commit to their work. Regardless of their production, employees are paid a predetermined amount every hour, day, week, or month. It is a relatively straightforward system of compensation. It results in little resource waste and fewer likelihood of accidents. The Time Rate technique produces high-quality work, and new hires can learn their jobs without experiencing pay reductions because of this method’s benefits. Due to equal pay for members of a given group or cadre, this strategy promotes staff cohesiveness.

The Time Rate Method has some negatives, including tight oversight, ongoing personnel costs, lower employee productivity because it does not distinguish between productive and ineffective workers and lower employee morale. When the task is non-repetitive, and the emphasis is more on producing high-quality output than high-volume production, the time rate approach is more appropriate.

Piece rate approach: It is a system of payment wherein compensation is given according to the number of units or items an employee produces. In this system, quantity output is prioritized over quality output. Because salaries vary with work in this system, calculating the labor cost per unit is relatively easy. This approach has a lower production cost per unit since less supervision is needed. Since the salaries are directly correlated with the employees’ labor efforts, this approach raises employee morale. This approach has a higher work efficiency.

This strategy has some disadvantages, such that it is challenging to compute, degrades work quality, wastes resources, weakens employee unity, raises production costs, and leaves workers feeling insecure. When work is repetitious, and quantity is prioritized over quality, the piece rate system is more appropriate.

Benefits of the Staffing Process solutions

  • Finding the appropriate people at the right time for the right job with the proper staffing procedure. The staffing function aids management in determining the amount of personnel and their credentials and experience that are required for the organization
  • The staffing hiring process contributes to increased organizational productivity. As a result, the business can improve its workforce’s quality by careful hiring, and it can raise its workforce’s performance level through thoughtful training
  • It assists in ensuring job satisfaction for the workers and maintains their morale. The personnel become more motivated, more effective, and more confident in their ability to grow in their careers with the help of a practical training and development program
  • It keeps staffing things peaceful inside the company. Therefore, with a performance overall of proper staffing in an organization, the people are not only hired and chosen but also, as a result, their performance is regularly assessed, and promotions are made on validity which fosters peace and harmony in the establishment for the achievement of overall the organization’s goals

Along with the managerial tasks of staffing planning, organizing, leading, and managing, staffing is the most crucial. The top management typically handles this duty in small staffing businesses. The personnel department of small and medium-sized enterprises precisely controls this task. The four functions’ operations are dependent on the human resources made available by the staffing function.


  1. Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization. – Management Study Guide Quote
  2. Development refers to the opportunity of growth of the employees in the organization. The organization must provide ample opportunities for the development of the employees, without which the employees may become frustrated. – Byju’s Quote
  3. Appraisal of employees as to how efficiently the subordinate is performing a job and also to know his aptitudes and other qualities necessary for performing the job assigned to him -Toppr Quote