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Docker Development

Everything You Wanted to Know About Docker Development

An Introduction to Docker Development

If you are a developer, you have come across the term Docker development a million times. It is as simple as it sounds. Essentially, Docker development is an open-source process that uses Docker for a development environment. By itself, Docker is a tool that helps developers and system administrators to package their applications into containers. So, it is part of multiple DevOps toolchains.

So, developers use Docker for Docker development environment primarily because it runs anywhere else if it operates on their machine. So it runs on staging, production, or on their friend’s computer. A new member only needs to run three commands to run the apps and become productive from the first day.

Docker Development environment is also beneficial to developers because of its ability to test applications’ compatibility with the database/language newest versions. This post informs you on everything about Docker development, from how it functions, its processes to its benefits, by answering the frequently asked questions. So if you desire to learn everything about Docker development, you are in the right place. 

.Net Developers Frequently Asked Questions About Docker Development

 What is a Docker developer?

In simple terms, Docker developers are tools and a set of Docker CLI plugins. They help in building, testing, and sharing containerized applications and microservices. Your usual code-build-test cycles need augmentation and direct integration with the Docker for the development environment of your choice. They need Docker developers to aid in such processes.  

Can you use Docker for development?

The primary reason why you need Docker is for development. So, if you are experiencing difficulties in building or compiling something, take advantage of Docker and make it inside Docker. This mainly applies if you are a developer and using Windows or MacOS. So, remember that since you only require Docker for the development process, there is no need to install multiple language environments on your computer. 

What is Docker programming?

Docker programming is a platform software set designed to service products that deliver software packages (containers) through OS-level virtualization. In short, Docker programming enables developers to package applications into software packages/containers. The software isolates containers from one another, which then bundles their libraries, configuration files, and software. This way, they can use well-defined channels to communicate among themselves. 

What is Docker in DevOps?

Generally, Docker is a system tool that, as a developer, you can use to develop, set up, and run applications with the help of containers. So, when it comes to Docker DevOps, developers can use it to easily collect and pack all application parts, including libraries and multiple other dependencies. Developers can quickly ship the collection out as one package through Docker DevOps. 

Currently, DevOps has been transforming the field of application development. But not long ago, SVN was as widespread as Git. For example, at the time, developers used virtual computers instead of Docker. 

What is Docker develop vs. Kubernetes develop? 

There is one primary fundamental difference between Docker and Kubernetes. The difference is that Kubernetes’ intended purpose is to run across a cluster of nodes. On the other hand, Docker runs on one node. This difference means that Kubernetes is more widespread than Docker Swarm. Kubernetes intended purpose is the coordination of node clusters at production scales efficiently. 

At first, load balancing and automation issues made developers dislike Kubernetes frequently. But of late, Kubernetes has been on top of Docker. Why? Because its API has facilitated the efficient packaging of applications with the necessary infrastructure. 

How do I create a Docker development environment?

To generate a Docker development environment, you need to click the create icon. This action opens a Docker for development environment dialogue. Copy this link, https://github.com/dockersamples/compose-dev-env.git. On the Remote tab, add this link to the Docker image field and then click the Create icon. These actions start the creation project, clones the Git code, and construct the Compose application. 

Does Docker improve developer Quality?

If you are a developer, Docker can help you focus on writing code, and you don’t have to worry about the system where your code will be running. This is suitable flexibility that might help you increase the usage of resources per server. That’s not all. This flexibility may also help you as the developer to reduce the system numbers required primarily due to the lower overhead. This, in turn, reduces the overall cost, meaning that your developer quality improves.

According to Forbes Magazine, “The ability to provision resources, configuring them on the fly, deploying applications… led to the DevOps culture where developers and the operators are collaborating throughout the application lifecycle.”

With just one descriptive YAML file, Docker speeds up software delivery, enhances the development experience, and boosts the general performance. Additionally, Docker is an open platform meaning that any individual can contribute to the platform’s development and construct new features. 

Is Docker a development or production?

First, Docker itself is software that incorporates developer tools. These tools are a set of Docker CLI plugins that developers use. They use them to simplify their building, testing, and sharing microservices and containerized applications. Secondly, in a production setup, Docker is an essential aspect that developers use to simplify their work while creating, deploying, and running applications inside containers. For this reason, it is best for Docker images suitable for production to only include the installation of the bare necessities. 

Should I develop in a Docker container?

In Docker development, containers facilitate a smooth code workflow, allowing you to perform developments and tests locally. Additionally, such a workflow will enable you to push upstream while ensuring that what you are building locally will work in production. Furthermore, containers are brands of virtualization, meaning they are more lightweight. 

And as Forbes Magazine notes, “Docker is an attractive option for many enterprises, as it is lightweight, portable and hardware-agnostic.” You can also opt to develop inside a container. Although it is not mandatory, it has helped some people. For instance, you can pull it straight from Docker Hub when there is a requirement for a specific Python version. 

Is Docker an OS?

Docker is a software platform that helps developers to build applications primarily based on containers. Containers are lightweight and have tiny execution environments. Unlike VMs, Docker does not incorporate an OS in its containers. And containers’ intended purpose is simply sharing the underlying kernel with the neighboring containers. In other words, a Docker container image includes a file system snapshot kind of the Linux image that it is dependent on. 

Is Docker a VM?

As mentioned above, Docker is a container-based technology. And in simpler terms, containers are the operating system’s userspace. The running containers share the host Operating System kernel when it comes to Docker. On the other hand, a VM’s design and purpose are not based on container technology. VMs integrate an Operating System’s user space and kernel space. 

What is Docker good for?

If you are a developer, Docker is an essential tool that will significantly help you when you want to create any modern application’s background. It facilitates the packaging of applications into containers. Primarily, Docker enables easier development to the cloud. Additionally, Docker technology is more granular and more controllable. It mainly focuses on efficiency due to its microservices technique. These are the key benefits of Docker. 

What is Docker and Kubernetes in DevOps?

Docker is a tool system developers use to create and run applications using containers. In DevOps, developers use Docker to pack all application parts like libraries. Docker DevOps then helps developers ship the application out as a single package. 

Conversely, Kubernetes is an open-source container management system that Google developed. In June 2014, Google made this system available to the general public. Its primary purpose was to make developers have an easy time managing and deploying multifaceted distributed systems. The main target was developers with interests in Linux containers. 

What is a docker in AWS?

As mentioned above, Docker is generally a software platform that developers use to make, examine and deploy applications quickly. So, a developer might want to run Docker on AWS. In that case, running it on AWS offers admins and developers a low-cost and highly reliable way of building, shipping, and running distributed applications at any level. 

What is the difference between Docker and DevOps?

Docker and DevOps have significant differences. The critical difference between the two is that Docker is a tool that developers use to create and manage applications using containers. It is among our DevOps culture tools that deploy applications as container technologies. On the other hand, DevOps is a methodology, culture, or procedure that delivers and ensures that developers’ developments are as fast as possible. The relationship between the two is that Docker containers generally simplify building to deployment pipelines in DevOps. Unlike DevOps, Docker containers help developers own the contents in the container. 

Can you run a dockerfile on Ubuntu?

The good thing with Docker is that it has a higher speed than any other Virtual Machine. Docker allows the developer to run something like a Ubuntu image, thus gaining interactive access to its shell. This way, the developer has the freedom of including all their dependencies in a remote Linux environment. Then, they can develop from their favorite IDE from any location. 

What is a docker development container?

A development container is a software piece whose purpose is packaging code and the entire code’s dependencies required for smooth running. Some of these dependencies include tools, runtime, and settings. Additionally, a development container will allow you to code within the software piece. This way, it will be providing a different coding/Docker development environment from your machine. 

Is Vagrant like Docker?

 A vagrant and a Docker are two separate things. In simple terminologies, a vagrant is a tool whose focus is to provide a Docker development environment workflow that is always consistent across many Operating Systems. On the contrary, Docker is a container management tool that you as the developer can consistently run your software provided there is proof of a containerization system. 

Docker often tends to depend on the host Operating System, which is not the case with Vagrant. Unlike Docker, Vagrant integrates the OS as part of the application package. The most significant variance between Vagrant and Docker is that Docker containers usually run on Linux, whereas Vagrant files can have any OS. 

What are the disadvantages of Docker?

Docker comes with multiple downsides, including the following;

  • Since Docker containers do not operate at bare-metal speeds, they have a more efficient consumption of resources than virtual machines.
  • In some cases, the container ecosystem manifests some fractures.
  • There is always some complication when it comes to storing data persistently.
  • Sometimes graphical applications fail to work well. 
  • Some applications do not benefit from Docker containers. 

Illicit trade, repositioning, theft, losses, stacking, capital intensiveness, and site constraints are also some of the general drawbacks that come with containerization. 

Does Docker improve deployment velocity?

For Northern Trust Applications, the new Docker-Led Application Modernization Program enhances the deployment velocity. With Docker, IT developers now have an easier time, flexibility, and agility to pass applications from testing to production environments securely and more quickly. 

In a nutshell, here is how Docker enhances deployment for you; unlike other technologies, Docker can operate multiple applications on single hardware; Docker also makes it easy for you as a developer to build ready-to-run containerized applications quickly. Lastly, with Docker, it becomes easier for you to deploy and manage applications. 

Does Docker improve developer productivity?

It is essential to remember that Docker is a cross-platform software plan that helps developers build and deploy containerized software. In the long run, Docker significantly reduces maintenance complexity, and in the meantime, it enhances developer productivity by enabling more efficient and faster development. 

Developer productivity goes hand in hand with developer quality. And yes, Docker significantly contributes to the improvement of developer quality. How does it accomplish this? With one descriptive YAML file, Docker improves a developer’s development experience, boosts the overall performance, and speeds software delivery. 

Can Docker edit images?

One major drawback with Docker is that you cannot directly edit or modify an image. But you can reduce a Docker image size by following the following steps;

  • Start by applying a smaller image base.
  • Then use a .dockerignore file.
  • The third step is utilizing the ‘Multi-Stage Builds’ feature in the platform.
  • Ensure that you are always avoiding unnecessary layers.
  • Be cautious of updates, dependencies, and unnecessary packages. 

You can also modify or update a Docker image with the following steps;

  • Check and confirm the current image version
  • Stop the running container and remove it. 
  • Look for your most preferred image version and pull it.
  • Initiate the process of launching the updated container
  • Complete the process by verifying the update. 

What are Docker secrets?

In the container context, a secret is any information or data likely to put your application, customer, or organization at risk if an unauthorized individual or entity has access to it. The same applies to Docker Swarm services. Here, a secret is a data blob like a password, private key, SSH, or SSL certificate. In short, a Docker secret is any data piece that you should not store unencrypted in your app’s source code or a Dockerfile. It is also any information that you should not transmit over a network. 


In conclusion, this content has enlightened you with everything you have ever desired to know about Docker development. 

If you want to extend your team’s output with Docker for the development environment, it would be best to work with an experienced firm like Sonatafy Technology. At Sonatafy Technology, we have worked with Back-End and DevOps developers with extensive skills and knowledge on Microsoft, Amazon Web, and Google Cloud applications. 

So, is your company focused on Docker development environment and other services like Platform services, Microservices, and Serverless architectures, Hybrid Cloud applications, or infrastructure as a service? You can trust Sonatafy Technology to source and vet qualified developers that can efficiently apply Docker for development environment. So, contact us today to plan for a free consultation.